Needs a little tweaking
Right, you've got a decent start for the game - it's very simple in the concept and this has been done many times before, but I don't think I've seen this sort of game theme before, so marks there.
There were a couple of issues in the start of the game - before the advert came up, you can see the menu screen, so there is a programming issue there. Exploring the Programming or Flash forums will help that issue. Secondly, you need to check your spelling and grammar. The word you were looking for in your instructions page was "explode".
I think that the game-play needs something else done to it - I'd certainly suggest that you get some sort of system sorted that allows you to move the mouse smoothly, as opposed to within 5 invisible spaces, as it makes you feel like you're playing a game of Frogger. The graphics got annoying, especially when the mouse got really fat and the screen started to flash. Perhaps speed up the game, more drops, more change of locations etc, but don't mess with the visuals. I can understand the mouse changing shape and colour, but the background was not needed.
Finally, I'd consider adding levels. You've got a high score system, so getting something like a level system would be brilliant. New backgrounds for new levels and perhaps even some different music for these levels. Cheese based power ups would be another good place to go, so that you can develop the game further.
[Review Request Club]