Good, but not perfect.
I liked this game, it's quick and quite addictive. The sound in both the music and the effects you chose were pretty spot on. The graphics were good and surprisingly simple.
What you could use is a manual control for switching player, as it just became too mad for me - the mulitple uses of the spacebar became somewhat crowded and mashing the bar doesn't work, because if you takle someone and get the ball, you immediately lose it by passing it away -.-
Maybe 3 keys for pass / tackle / shoot would solve this. That way you can be as rough as you like, smashing the tackle key and when you win the ball, you can just run like hell.
The other thing I'd suggest is that you keep the goalie controlled by the AI - you can move them a little, in their own perimeter, which no other player can enter, for example. I've been handed control of the goalie and just marched him out of the way of the ball a few times, which isn't the way to play, since I then get butchered 5-2.
Anyway, a few things for you to think about and I'll look forward to your next submission.
[Review Request Club]