Not bad, but needs more jokes
Sorry, but using the "That oFENGs me" line every time was just too much for me. As a writer, I'd expect to hear more versions of puns involving the word Feng. Perhaps things like "FENGcing" (fencing) FENG Shui and the like could be used, before this gets too old.
Perhaps the woman could come home to find that he'd re-arranged the furniture. After all, since Street Fighters have schizophrenia, couldn't Feng have multiple personalities, with one of them being obsessed witht he art of furniture arrangement, for example?
The face looked a little like Ben Grimm from Fantastic 4, with the crags and angular features. If that's how it's meant to be, then it's great. if not, then it could be enhanced by rounding them out a little. Your choice.
[Review Request Club]