A great romp!
I think that you've certainly got a gift for writing good scripts here, as we can plainly see from the way that the plot blends in well with some pretty good art and animation. I think that I would have sped up the movement animations of the locks a little, since it does tend to drag on a little, from time to time.
I loved the subtle addition of WineLock at the end of the piece, but it could have done with a speaking part for him, as it would have completed the callback joke and made the piece more rounded as a result.
With the "old man" voice, yu could use a little more work, since it did sound rather forced. More practice is required, because it didn't sound "breathy" enough, as if the old man's throat is rather dry and he is about to expire soon. Just a slight tweak to it is all that was required for me.
[Review Request Club]