Well, we knew it was going to come to Newgrounds sooner or later and you did not disappoint - the video quality may be down slightly from the Lynwood CD, but then that would probably be about 50mb of file, so people would wait an age (relatively) to watch it on here. Perhaps in the future, an HD version will creep on when broadband speeds become good enough to cope with it, who's to say?
The gags in here are brilliant, especially the Tom Morello style guitar, stating "Arm the Lawyers". I love the way that you've portrayed Al himself as the main character in the song and having all of the things in there actually happen to him. The sad thing is, I can actually see some people in this world being dense enough to do something that silly and then try to blame others for their downfall.
It is very clear that you spent an absolute age getting this piece right - the number of fine details that you've paid attention to, such as the cigarette lighters' flames moving independently of the sway (I think you could have made them flicker a little more, but that's probably asking too much of you there!)
Even the credits are tied in nicely with the piece - I was expecting a little polka, or something else of Al's when we got to the end, but you probably would have had to cut something like that for time, or space, which is a shame.
I look forward eagerly to more of your works.
[Review Request Club]