Well, it's Pico Day :P
I think that you've come up with a decent concept here that's provided a really well written piece of action, coupled with some great animation and a good looking finished product.
More could be done with the detail of the characters, the arms look a little disjointed and there is a lot of room for detail, particularly on Dad's chest, while there's room for some on 'me' as well. I like how you've pretty much parodied the start of Dad 'n' me, because it's well drawn, not to the scale of Dan Paladin, but it's pretty good looking, nonetheless.
All that you need to do is work on the sound sampling - your samples have some of the music on them, which makes it sound a little weird, especially when they combo out of sequence. Still, a few more minor pieces of work, here and there will see you in the right direction.
[Review Request Club]