Was it really that long ago...
...that the Chicago Bears won something? Damn, that's gotta blow :P
The animation style reminds me of a 'childish' version of Madness. You've made it from the kick-arse concept that it was to a light hearted version, which for me detracts from the true meaning of madness.
Was it really that long ago that the NES was popular? How many game systems have we seen since then? *Counts SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii* anyway, back to the review...
I like the idea that the madness guy was being filmed for his everyday life, but I couldn't understand a few key pieces - 1) why he dissapeared out of shot in front of the TV, so all we could see were his legs. 2) Why he never batted an eyelid (metaphorically, as Madness characters don't have eyes, much less eyelids) when the guy on the other side of the street was gunned down (Not enough blood there either)
Good job, worthy of madness day though.
[Review Request Club]