Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Mark Twain. *applause*
Alright, first impressions aside, this is another fantastic piece that really catches the eye and presents a very definitive description / illustration of a wizard or a druid, as I saw him in the first place. Certainly a few things about him look pagan inspired, complete with the sun staff, though from the pagans I have associated with over the years, I think it would be more of a pentagram on the staff, perhaps making that a little more plain, than gaudy as well. Hell, it might not be pagan, so I'm not saying it should be changed.
With the art itself, the painting should extend to the edges of the canvas - an effect which I loved like in the norse village, thought the complaint about not extending to the edge of the canvas is the same. Some sort of frame, though a simpler carved wooden effect would do the trick, as opposed to the gaudy renaissance thing that I suggested in the viking scene would suit this better, I feel.
The colours used look natural and freely available at the time, so that's a sensible use of the palette, an easy oversight, with pieces that have an historical aspect to them, such as this. Keep up the good work and extend it to the borders!
[Review Request Club]