An interesting piece
Simple in the presentation, effective in the finished product. I think that there is a lot to be said for your expanses of white in this piece, with only the pokeball being the focus of attention. I know that some people really did have an infatuation with this game which quite passed me by. These things happen, but you've quantified it with a good anecdote, which is how people go about winning things like the turner prize. They waffle on about something that hasn't required much effort and people think that they are absolute genius in this medium.
Personally, I think that it's a decent copy of the original, but you could have made a better effort with two areas:
1) Colouring. Outside of the outline of the ball, there appears to be a mark of red past the thick black outline at around 2 on a clock face. When there is very little else to look at, this will become glaringly obvious.
2) The shadow needs to be longer and more rounded - you'd end up with more of an elipse shape, surely, but this is a matter of opinion, as it is really difficult to determine where the light source emanates from, with only that shadow and the light spot on the ball to go by. Taking those two, I would have said somewhere toward the top right of the shot, thus giving a longer shadow.
With little else to see in the image, it is a good replica of a concept that has been around and done its time, but I would have liked to see more from this in the way of a background or some action. Perhaps the ball should be gathering dust?
[Review Request Club]