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Awesomely informative

Anoterh fine episode from Tywo and co. This time, showing us exactly what is going on with things in the lab in most of the wrong ways. And there wasn't even a naked flame in sight, which is the number one cause of accidents in the lab.

Mind you, letting Tywo run riot with a naked flame is probably not the best idea...

I love the way that you've gone for the black and white approach, showing us that the film has been made for the purposes of government safety education, which notoriously sucks balls.

I would have thrown in a few more examples here and there, as Tywo did have the basics right - he was wearing the correct safety equipment, so that's an excellent start. I'd suggest that you show us that he can actually do something right, for a change, as he does come across as somewhat of a jerk. Loveable, but still a jerk.

[Reivew Request Club]

Funny stuff!

Well written, very well animated and the delivery of the jokes was absoultely spot on. I can see that you've spent an absolute age on this piece, getting everything just right before submission.

I'd say that the only real issue that I have with it is the whole static issue on the vocalist yelling into the mic on the theme music - nice touch of making your own theme for the series, it's something that you don't tend to see in Flash at the moment.

I'll certainly have to watch the other two episodes, as this series has got the legs to go a long way. Freeze Frame jokes and other things that tend to only occur is cartoons as specialised as Futurama as well. I'm highly impressed.

[Review Request Club]

Short, but a good start

Well, aside from this being short and slightly eratic, it is a decent progression of photographs. I'd suggest that next time you double the frames and halve the length of pace between each shot.

The main problem was that when you arrived at the chippy, it hardly showed outside the place, and suddenly we were off the towpath and looking at a piece of battered cod.

Of course the other thing that you could do with this is to add drawings to the images and make some sort of comic strip out of it, perhaps...

[Reivew Request Club]

Bezman responds:

Doubling the frame rate would mean doubling the file size and I don't think folk would appreciate that.

You're right about the outside of the chippy not having been shown enough though - I could have slowed down there.

Adding drawings to a future one is something I'll probably experiment with.

Thanks for the review!

Buh... (2)

We've still got the same problems here as in the first wegra adventure. What you need even more in this episode is a decently written plot - this barely had a coherent story, as it was just a few random plotlines thrown together and tied together with acts of violence.

Drawing needs to be improved by zooming in and using a slightly smaller drawing tool. You can use the eraser to round off the edges, making this whole section look better. See tutorials on drawing in Flash to improve this.

A decent vocal artist can be found in the Flash forums or the Voice Acting Club in the Clubs and Crews section of the NG BBS. This would bring you forward a giant step and if your drawing improves at the same rate, you'll be making decent flash in little time.

[Review Request Club]

Wegra responds:

I'm trying man.


Wow, that's amazingly poor animation and detail throughout. Try improving your drawing by zooming in and using a slightly smaller tool to draw your images with, as it's not working at the moment. The eraser is always a useful tool to round edges off better.

Voices are badly needed, as this sort of Speakonia style program just doesn't work well enough - it's too fast and half of the time, all you can hear is gibberish. Perhaps a bar with subtitles is what you would need, so that you can understand the narrator. Don't have Mario sound effects over the top of the Narrator, it sounds shite.

Look at some of the tutorials, they will help you learn how to animate and then you can submit decent looking movies to Newgrounds.

[Review Request Club]

Wegra responds:

Oooh Zooming in! I never thought of that. I'll try that in Wegra Adventure 4!

Quite detailed

An interesting collection of shorts that yo have put together there. The one thing that I'd suggest that you do for your next collab is work out a plotline for the whole thing and work so that each collab part in turn brews into something better in the end.

The music was good, the jokes were funny and the delivery of the parts were on the whole nicely worked. Some of the pieces need to be more refined, but with the 5-hour timeframe, it does get a little difficult to come up with the goods.

Be careful with the music, as I felt it was just a little too loud here and could have used being turned down just a little, so that the sound effects could be heard better in those parts that used them.

[Review Request Club]

But everybody dies...

It's a little simplistic and you really do need to source more sounds - the one you used for the spear penetrating flesh just sounds like a slowed down gunshot, which isn't what sharp objects entering soft squidgy parts should sound like - it's an explosion, which isn't close. The alien loop that you had wasn't the best either, as it had a bit of static on and caused problems when it had a gap in the loop.

The animation is decent, but needs more work to become one of the best animations out there - Predator almost goose-steps his way across the screen - his leg moves out, but then moves back in too far to complete the step. At least the plotline was well written and the music you chose sounded more like a Hammer House of Horrors film, than AVP, which was a nice change.

[Review Request Club]

jucama responds:

Thank you for your comments

Love how it ties in

Jeff, you've certainly shown us that you're more than just a damn fine animator (Note there is no Homo-Erotic sub text there), because you can also write amazingly intricate plots from all angles.

I think that at some point I'd love to meet Skittles' parents and see some of the amazing adventures that they get up to in the present day. As Skittles is about to slot a communist, his mother tries to clean him up with a cat lick or something, for example.

That is assuming of course that he doesn't get killed between now and then by, say, a falling watch tower that got ploughed into by a tank trying to do a Back to the Future stunt.

[Review Request Club]

JohnnyUtah responds:


Not Bad

Congratulations. You're the l;ucky recipient of my 1,000th Flash review. You win this comemorative... review!

Always a great song by Weird Al, the theme being based around Star Wars and the whole clone wars saga. I'd have thought that it was difficult to convey the emotional side of things with a character whose face is completely obscured. You've handled it well enough, by the displaying of question and exclamation marks. What I'd suggest is that you try to encorporate these things with the movements of the head itself.

The head movement of Fett is very difficult, as in the movies, his head barely moves at all, so you don't have much to go on. I think you've overcompensated a little here and you need to put him in more situations relevant to the lyrics of the tune.

The other thing is that the backgrounds need to be more busy. They show computer panels and light displays, so why not have the occasional flashing light, to make it look more alive. The other thing is that the edges need to be rounded more. I notice that you've not done any animation for a while now - why not make a start again, because you're more capable, than say a muppet like me :P

[Review Request Club]

You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

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