Funny, but tasteless.
But then again, I think that's the point you were trying to make in the flash. The symbolism of commercialisation of every other time of stopping to think, for example Xmas, Easter and various other religious festivals. I know that Remembrance or Veterans day is different from being a religious matter, in that it's multi-faith, but it's a shocking insight to the way that companies think with regards to sales.
A good contrast was achieved with the touching start and then the crass, over-pitched sales takeover on the part of the Electronics Store. I think that perhaps the holocaust / Schindler's List style hunting down of the high prices was a little too far on this occasion, unless you really took it further, when Schindler worked for another Electrical supplier and says to a high price working for him "If this shop ever sells a TV at these high prices, I will be very unhappy."
Some good comedy, aside from the borderline taste issues and a great style of animation. Will you be submitting something for Xmas, or will you just leave it at that?
[Review Request Club]