Well, that's blown me away
What can I say - you guys always come up with really interesting piece that make me think. The only real issue I have with pieces like this don't have much plot, which would certainly be the next step - advancing the piece so that all of you work together on one or two plot lines which integrate really well.
I want to concentrate on two parts that really got my attention - I'm not going to say that no-one else deserves a mention, that would be a lie, but these two authors were my personal favourites:
fredstermaster, with the abstract piece of a man staring at a bomb, before raining chinks of himself over another man, before having a piano dropped on his head and finally a bulldozer. It's a simple little progression, but the level of intricate detail with the piano falling apart, the splattering gore and finally the bulldozer made it look great. I'll have to check out some of your other works.
MarkSW almost took this piece to the next level single handedly. The pseudo 3D animation that accompanied this piece took it well away from the more traditional frame by frame that most other people have used. I think that the way parts of the people don't have limbs where you would expect and have them crop up in other places is very reminiscent of Yellow Submarine / Monty Python's Flying Circus. Terry Gilliam's animation is always off the wall and this seems to embody that, but with a better finished drawing style.
If anything, I was a little put off by the thick blue lines - to counter this, sketch paper could be made in a brown and textured form, allowing us to have a different, softer look to the piece. I'd certainly appreciate it.
Finally, get a change button for the music and / or just a mute button, it would seriously help!
[Review Request Club]