You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m

Blam Points WTF?!

Posted by Coop - September 13th, 2007

Ok, so this is getting me more than slightly narked. I've been here for a while (almost 3.5 years now) and I used to be into Blamming so much, because a lot of stuff that came through the portal was garbage. I know that the system changed well before the site was updated, as my saves started to close in on, and eventually pass, my Blams total.

Now I wouldn't say that anything unusual was going on until we reached Clock Day. The day of mass protection. Now usually, this fad stops quite soon after and normal service is resumed, with Blam levels per day returning to normal. I've noticed that there is a trend of my Blams per day dropping down towards 5 per day (I know, I'm a stat-whore) when it used to hover somewhere around 10-12.

Upon checking the portal, I'd notice that there is just another bunch of shit on the portal, most of which got the obligatory 0 from me. I probably won't get any points for this, but I would propose 2 solutions to this:

1) All users who see crap like this on the portal respond to it, by issuing the 0 or 1 vote. Don't be afraid, Blam points are your friends - they are also beneficial to the size of your e-penis as well.

2) Tom, please raise the threshold for Flash to pass judgement. I know that if you looked at this case, it shows an alarming trend of mass voting, by certain groups who wish to get crap through the portal. Even if you raised it to 1.8, it would make such a big difference - Flash which score that low should be treated as "learning experiences" for the users who are submitting proper flash.

I'd love to hear what people think of it, because as one of the top 100 B/Pers (Probably the top 50 active B/Pers) I think that it's people like me who really can make a difference, if only other people felt the same way and acted on it!


They pass because of mass voting and alt accounts of the submitter. If you're that much of a stat whore just protect the flash like all the other stat whores out there.

Because although I am a stat-whore, I have moral standards, whcih while they may not seem appropriate to you kids, they are really important. Someday, you'll learn, I hope.

Well I'm pretty new here and I agree with hands down...There is a lot of stuff the portal that is just pure junk.

Clock Day taught us a bad lesson - only about 50 submissions were deleted out of about 1,500+ submissions on that day.

A raise seems to be a big way forward, but a contribution from those of us in the upper echelons of the B/Ping tree - we have over 100 Supreme Commanders, who all have a voting power of 10+ who could make a difference. Granted, some are retired, but this is the way to get movies properly vetted

Option 2 would be ok, but spam movies usually get around 2 anyway.

Yeah, but the closer they are to the threshold of being blammed, the more regular users who think "Maybe it will get blammed" and add their 0 to the pot

Psychology, see?

I believe that Option two would work best. Because there is so much crap getting through the portal.

This news post is the official start of the "Get the crap out of our Portal campaign"

Make a difference, start with yourself!

Today the 400.000th flash was submitted. Usually there are twice more new movies/games saved than blammed each day. So there are probably more than 300.000 flashes on Newgrounds. I think that only about 10.000 of them are worth of watching/playing. Most of them usually never make it to the "games" or "toons" sections of the site. So I agree with you, there are too many spam flashes that only take hard drive space on the Newgrounds servers. Take that "sternman" crap for example, or "Adolf Hitler in Catching `em all in...", who needs these things?

We will re-educate the majority of NG users to this way of life and slowly, this will produce a better quality of flash, in an environment where the cream of the flash stay at the top for longer, as they are given increased exposure right after being submitted.

Love... your... rank... picture

Must... agree... with... whatever.... you... say!

Zombie and/or cocksucking attitude aside.

You are still 100% right. It took me 0.72 seconds to find a spam movie on the "50 newest list" that should been blammed back to the abyss.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/400001">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /400001</a>

We should all take part in a giant kidneyblam and strike unmercyfull against the spam.

No, we should just vote properly on each flash as it comes in through the portal. If it's shit, don't go "Well, I should give it a 0, but it's by Err0r, so I'll only vote 2, to get the save point."

Vote on the flash without seeing who the artist is. Maybe Tom should disable the artist's names from the Under Judgement flash, to stop abndwagoners too :P

both solutions should be taken into action. i mean look at it, you got faggots like the kitty krew pratickly spamming newgrounds every single day. and what is tom doing about it? nothing. so it's up to us now to make sure shit like this isn't submitted. think about it people, you sometimes think to yourselfs "mabey we should give a kitty krew flash a 2 or higher. it's gonna pass anyway" then when the time comes, your computer could get a nasty viruse just because you wanted the extra experiance points. so don't be afraid to blam shit.if we all keep blaming the same flash every day we can take it down. and i though i was the only one until i saw Coop83. for now we must listen to him, the leader. now let's kick some FUCKING ASS! LOL!

The terms of this are very simple, vote what you feel the flash deserves ultimately. I'm not promoting the masses turning around and Blamming every flash in sight on the portal, but I would urge them to consider the fact that the 0 and 1 buttons are still worth points, the same as the 2-5 buttons.

i hate how much shit i blam that should be blammed and passes these days. hopefully we are getting closer to reaching our goal of 'stop letting everything pass in the portal' as users catch on. fuck those people who sit there and vote 5 on everything, you guys know theres a 2 3 and 4, right?

people see a 'free protection point' and vote highly on it, we gotta change the standards once again for what is acceptable to enter the portal >_<

OH GOD OUR SAVES ARE HIGHER THAN OUR BLAMS... i'm freakin out mayun!

I know, but if we turn the trend around now, you'll be back to Blams > Saves very quickly. It would take me some time longer :P

I have been saying this for a while now, the problem is:
1. people dont care.
2. really high level people just dont do anything about it.
3. flashes made by a group can just vote on their flash high, some groups have so many people they can just keep giving themselfs high scores.
Its really good to see someone else who thinks the same way about this matter.

1. I care
2. I'm a high level user and this is me doing something about it.
3. Flash made by groups can be stopped if enough people come along and use programs like Portal Guard to tell them when a new flash has hit the portal.

I'm glad that people are taking up the cause. We will triumph, we cannot afford to fail!

about the first comment...

if the spam flash is actually quite funny, it is worth passing the judgement. As an exemple, the c.a.t flash in the ng bytesize portion of the frontpage is quite similar to a few spam flashes, but with an extra added value called : great humor. Stupid pointless annoying flashes (spaf) should be SPAFFED right away

Some of these flashes are the type that get fileswapped for something very mundane and unfunny that at the end of the day, they deserve to get Blammed. You need to know your enemy, I certainly do and a lot of their tactics as well.

what is portal guard, or is just some expresion for something else?

Portal Guard is a program created by Casualty, which alerts users when a new submission is entered into the Newgrounds system. Basically like an email reminder on MSN.

Whoa dude, you've voted on over 30,000 in-jundgement movies? Impressive.

Not really, ramagi and Denvish both have 100,000+ points. I'd say I've voted on closer to 40,000 Movies, as I've voted correctly on 30,000+ movies ;)

I'm only the 92nd most prolific - there are 91 more people higher than me :(

Well, I can't agree more with this. Except that I thought it already WAS a 1.8 to pass judgment. Even if it's a 1.6, I think the passing score should be a 2. Why, you ask? Because I can't vote 1.8 to barely pass something. If I think it's passing, I vote 2 and up, this, to me, shows that if it's not a 2, it's no good. this is by the voting system alone.

Also, I don't think it's so much mass voting anymore as people going for points. I DO think it WAS mass voting at one point and now people are just tired of not getting the blam so they 2 or even 5 pure CRAP.

People like Sekham are the problem with NG today.

Also, I think some of the higher ranked people, including quite a few Supreme Commanders, are to blame as I think they are voting high on these because they want the points.

I somehow doubt Denvish is voting 0 on these submissions... he wants to stay #1 and to do so requires him to vote the way NG votes.

Yeah, I named names...

I went by the FAQ - I have very little expereince of flash submissions.

If we can convince some of the Supreme Commanders to pull their weight, we'd be laughing.

No, I think it IS 1.6 now that I think of it. Still, I say raise that thing to 2.0.

It couldn't hurt, but I was just thinking of moderation. The last thing we want is for it to cause mass blamming, as that doesn't solve the problem, it merely passes the emphasis back to Blams

Amen to that, I'm bored of seeing more crap in the 50 most recent submissions than quality flash work. And it is part of the whole site ethic that the users decide what passes and what doesn't. We're the quality control, and right now we're doing a pretty miserable job of it. To me anyone voting spam through is letting the whole site down, and exploiting one of the features that has made this site so popular.

There weere a few threats a few months back from Wade that anyone continuing to vote 5 on obvious spam submissons would have their account reset- personally I'd love to see a few users be made an example of in this way, you can bet things would change then.

And I've wanted a higher boundary for passing flash for ages- 1.6 always seemed strange when 2 was a passing vote.

I'd love to see Wade knock some people's totals back down to 0. An example to the masses that no-one is above the law!

The thing I notice about the 1.6 passing mark is that submissions pass judgement and then have a tendancy to bomb down the rankings, reflecting their true vote. Give people the power to rid us of the crap.

yeah, I remember that even in 05 a blam point was the easiest thing to find, then newgrounds just softened overtime and now everything i see is a save point. D:

It's not that save points became easier to get - they didn't. I just noticed that it became a lot easier to gain numbers of Save points, as for a period, the quality of Movies coming through the portal actually increased. That growth appeares to have become unsustainable.

We must correct the balance with our 0s

coop this is horrible look at our portal :( psd sukkanut

Yeah, of the 18 Under Judgement movies, I voted to protect only 4 :( It won't get me many points (4 saves maybe) but I'm doing my bit!

Thanks for doing yours as well, BlueHippo :)

Very good work. Your saying what we have all been thinking. Its such a simple concept but its a lot like many things in life.

Take country elections for example. People don't like the way the government turns out yet when they are asked who they voted for it is quite obvious what they have done. "We dont want to waste our vote" they say, yet if everyone who said that actually voted for who they wanted to win, it WOULD win. It is a similar thing here in the portal. People want to vote 0's on spam but they think others will just save it so there is no point. If you can get your message through to people in some way and on one day, JUST ONE DAY all of the crap gets blammed, the saving will stop. People will see that they can get blam points and the shitty little groups of spammers will start to lose the fight. Then they will have to start making some good submissions to be recognised as a group.

And what better way to start with the active B/Pers, who as a whole have the highest Voting Power on NewGrounds.

If we band together and fight this off (Twats like Dream-of-Duke aside), we can win this war and make new users see sense

I haven't been here as long as you but i was here when at least 70% of spam was deleted. But the strangest thing is that it looks like different spamming groups are workng together and they're most of the time getting a 2.0-2.5. From the looks of it Tom's gonna have to step in. From the looks of it we can't stop th spam although i wont quit trying.

I'm treating the situation as if Tom can't or won't do anything. (We know he really can :P) but basically, the battle lines ahve been drawn and the tide of Spam must be turned around on the strength of our Voting Powers and our sense to use applications like Portal Guard.

We have the tools, let's use them.

As one of the people you wanted to hear from, I will speak up. I agree to what you say but I also think method number 1 would be somewhat pointless because mass voters would simply make sure their flashes got higher scores. I think mods should be given blam powers and set as guards at the portal to blam anything that belongs to a spam group as soon as it enters, a month or so of this will discourage the spammers for good. But I will agree with you that something simply has to be done about all this spam, as you, I vote 0 on every submission I find is worthy of it.

You're not one of the Particular individuals that I was considering when I mentioned the Top B/Pers who were not Blamming as many flash as they should be.

I'm hopefully going to update the top 100 Protectors list later today - you'll be able to see exactly who I mean there :P

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