You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m


No new years resolutions from me as always. ^^

Running every day is a hard task and you shouldn't burn the candle at both ends. Running two or three times a week is enough in my opinion. The body needs some time to rest during the week. ^^

We'll see how long I manage to keep it up. I don't think that running a half mile daily is going to kill me, otherwise I wouldn't have walked 5 miles a day working in a supermarket for 5 years.

Happy New Year :)

Yeah, walking isn't so stressful for the body as running, but on the other hand, running half a mile propably isn't that long.

When I go running I try to run at least 3km and I really want to run 10km this year.
Before my long break I used to run 5km and once I even managed to run 7km, but then I had to take yet another break. Bummer. :(
Anyway, after running 5km I just need a day or two to rest.

Well, half a mile is about a kilometre, so that's a lot of distance being covered. We'll see if I can keep it up though :P

Number five should be ripping out that carpet. :P

Kidding aside, no resolution for me as well, but goals. I think the biggest one is to move out of my hometown and never comeback. I don't know why I decided to come back here after college, but I did and I should have stayed away.

NG wise become triple listed. I'll be double next week, two wks at most, so it something to keep me moving forward stat wise.

Well, the carpet does have to come out sooner or later, but that's because it's becoming threadbare in places. Unfortunately, it was my parent's choice, so I'm lumbered :P

A good goal of becoming triplelisted, so good luck with that. I've got some good statistical goals this season, including becoming a top 50 Blammer and getting high into the mix of the top Flash reviewers :)

Half a mile a day is too little a challenge, 5-10 minutes for the average person? All or nothing...

Start as you mean to go on. I have no intention of starting running 3 miles a day and giving myself an injury, which causes me to stop running altogether.

On Tuesday nights, I'll be running an additional 2.5 miles on a hill course with my best friend, since that's where we started running last year.

We'll see how things pan out and I might be going faster or further by the start of March, we'll see how things work out :)

Well, you've got some good, but achievable goals. Good luck.

Yeah keep up the running theres a Neo Nazi Convention coming to your town. I forgot to make resoultions, so I have lots of time to get ready for 2011.

Yeah, because Neo Nazis would get a really warm reception in my home town :P

Plenty of time to plan for 2011 though ;)

Good luck with running. when ive been sitting in all day which i do a lot, i drag myself up and go for a bit of a run. Ive been doing it every Sunday. around 3 miles.. sounded quite hard when i started. but if you pace yourself and take your Ipod it will be easy.

One of my work colleagues got me an album of 101 running songs. I think that this was a great idea until I got as far as Wham's "Wake me up, before you go go" and then with cold fingers, it was a massive effort to unlock the keys on the iPod, before I could skip the track.

haha well justplay your own music whatever ticks your tocker

I always preferred "Whatever floats your boat" :P

your hiar looks better on your userpic.

The Mrs. prefers it when I grow it long. I'll continue to do so until it pisses me off and I get it cut.

My resolution is to have more of your stories on my userpage.

So get cracking!

I have some writing projects that require my attention. I believe that your sister account, MWC10 will be receiving entries :P

i have something to say, u deleted my review and banned me for putting blam in the subject box of the review, ur reason was something like, if i put blam in the subject then i want the flash to be blammed, errr yes because as u put it most the stuff that comes in here is garbage, i am like everyone else that hates spammers, they are systematically ruined this site, whats the point of reviewing truthfully it its going to get most of us banned and our reviews fobbed off, i can think of loads of people whose flashes should be deleted as well as there accounts but i wont say who they r here, maybe in a pm.
i agree spam is the excrement of this site but we cant do anything most the time because wen we review low score we get our reviews deleted and thus getting us banned, allowing more crap to come through the portal and decent people like us cant do anything apart from voting 0 on the 0 - 5 scale.

anyway tell us how to actually get a flash blammed because i have heard rumors but not sure which is true and the faq is impossible to work out.

also i started noticing people are startig to use file swap, obv everyone has heard the term and knows what it means, is there anyway to sort this out, as u are a moderator, people look up to u lot to keep this portal/vault in line.

what is portal guard? is it available to every user on here or just moderators or people who create and post flash movies/games on here, would like to know more info if possible.

i am not afraid to vote 0 on crap spam flashes but it seems pointless most the time because of the mass positive voting, many spammers team up to mass positive vote other spams in judgement stage so sometimes its quite futile really. also these companys/cyber gangs such as the (KK) or the (DD) post flashes so offensive and disturbing that other members of the same crew band together to posi vote to let it get through.
even go all out to put a amazing flash game/movie in the judgement knowing it will pass then they file swap it and rename it to show off there true intentions, what are your thoughts about this?

I see your argument and can feel your pain. Allow me to take the time to go into some depth about the issues you have raised.

Regarding the review ban, this is easily answerable by the Review FAQ, a link to which was sent by M-Bot when the review itself was deleted. The other reason that these reviews are removed is down to the fact that if they are spam, the authors are trying to provoke a response from the community at large. Don't ask me why, I'm not sure why these attention whores work like this.

As far as I am aware, there is no other way to get a flash blammed. If it is abusive (See the FAQ), it can be whistled and the administrators can see fit to remove it.

Regarding the fileswaps, this is something that I personally cannot do anything about. I'm a review moderator, it is my (voluntary) job to remove abusive reviews and assign bans as I see fit.

Portal Guard is a free program. Personally, I don't use it, as I'm capable of opening a Flash Portal tab and using my F5 key :P http://www.wkrconcepts.com/nglogs /portalguard.php

As you can probably tell by my stats block, I'm not afraid to vote 0 on flash that come through the portal. I just try to vote on each submission as I see fit and there's little more that you can do about it, in all honesty.

thank u for responding to my comment.
all the best for 2010.

And to you - I prefer intelligent conversation to the more generic "WTF, joo banned me! Do you know who I am?! Waaa Butthurt! </wrists>" comments that tend to be the norm.

You're the coolest kid on the block now.

I've always been the coolest kid on the block. I've always had a rating of over 5 MegaFonzies greater than my brother!

What's wrong with being sarcastic? It's a lot of fun. mweheheheheh~

And my new year resolution is to try to get along better with people I deem 'annoying'.

Nothing wrong with sarcasm - I use it all the time.

The problem being that in the office, we are always being sarcastic about people we work with and it's not necessarily the best practice or the most professional attitude.

You only need to act professional in front of bosses and customers.

No, you have to act professional in front of the Welsh. They really don't have a sense of humour, unless you talk to them about rugby.

"I see that we beat you English at the weekend, boyo! HAHAHA!"

i have one resolution..try to attend a NG meet up..

A fine goal - are you hoping to join us for August?

My only new years resolution is to make sarcastic comments relating to carpets.

Oh, almost forgot. Nice carpet by the way.

That's not a sarcastic comment - that's a retarded comment.

Quick comments about your resolutions:

1) Good luck with it...keep up the exercise!

2) BWAHAHAHAHAHA...yeah right. Sarcasm is what keeps people sane at work, sometimes.

3) Again, great goal! Owning a house of your own feels great. I love having the option of doing whatever I want whenever. It's a bit extra work, but not much. You'll love it.

4) I'd love to see them when they're done!

And that smile on your face looks borderline deranged... :-)

1) Back to it tomorrow - snow is gone and I'm back int he saddle

2) I hear ya! It didn't last :P

3) I know, I'm ready, but I'll get there :)

4) Will do, I'll send links out

5) You should see the smile now - I just got made a BBS Mod, so I'm even more unhinged :D

Whoa Coop, you're a forum mod now? Congrats dude!

P.S. if there's one thing the BBS needs it's more Futurama-related lock messages :P

"What's the matter soldier? Tent got your tongue? *giggles* Tent got your tongue!.. Kiff, write that down and send it to Humour in Uniform!"

Hey, dude. Got word of your bbs moddination from the Baha-man just now. CONGRATULATIONS on becoming our newest forum janitor... be safe, wear gloves, don't touch anything TOO toxic.... k? #;-}>

By "Too toxic", do you mean "in General"?

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