If you've just stumbled in here by accident and don't want to know who I am, then why the hell did you come in here? The exit is that way *points to the BACK button on your browser*
If you did want to know who I am, here's your chance to get a closer look at the man behind Coop83. Firstly, you can call me Coop, I really don't mind about the 83 part, that's just the year I was born. I'm 24 and I work as a customer relations supervisor for a housing developer. My day-to-day job involves writing letters to customers, fielding phone calls from customers and harassing builders. In between doing all of this, I try to maintain my sanity while on the NG BBS and Flash Portal. I enjoy writing reviews for flash and getting responses (Though I'm not sure that feature works any more)
If you're a flash author and you're looking for inspiration, look no further. I have various works in progress at this very moment for potential flash movies, I just need someone who can animate, because lets face it, I'm never going to be much of an artist, I just don't have the patience for it.
I'm working on a story at the moment, which someday I'd love to see published, allowing me to retire and make my fortune for doing something I enjoy more than the vast majority of my life at present :)
Other than NG, I do enjoy cricket, as patrons of the English Gentleman's Club will note. I'm not the best cricketer in the worls, but I do enjoy playing and I think I am improving, slowly.
I've got myself a steady girlfriend (sorry ladies :P) who you lot might know as EchoRun on here, if ever she gets around to posting on here again.
I'd say that there are more things to life than computers, but considering that I counted each and every hour of the update, I'd say that it would have to be a lie.
As you can see from the picture below, one of my major hobbies is growing facial hair. This picture was taken after I'd gone from a full goatee to my current style a few years ago. Someone said to me "You missed a bit", hence the look on my face.