You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m

Damn the internet!

Posted by Coop - January 24th, 2008

So I missed about 24 hours of internet connection yesterday and today. I left the office at 5pm and there was joy and good progress with my stats. I felt quite good and looked nicely into a well structured gym session.

I returned home to find that the internet connection had died at home. Not good. So as a result, most of the evening was spent trying to find other ways to entertain myself. Thankfully, The Science of Discworld came to the rescue and my sanity remained in tact.

This morning, I awoke and tried in vain to restore the connection, for my morning stats and emails. NOTHING!

Not to worry, I'll go to the office slightly earlier and use their connection, to satisfy my craving. Traffic has been unuaually bad, due to the river being 5 metres higher than normal and the main bridge into the town where I work is operating a traffic light system, only allowing 1 direction of traffic across at any one time.

Got into the office and turned on the computer, to find that the internet at work is down. Coincidence? No - I'm supplied by a different ISP at work to at home, both of whom are experiencing problems. By lunch, when the connection was still down, I fled the office, to try and get access via home, which had come back (I told work I would print their emails, because mine was working)

The connection was finally restored at about 1530, meaning I've gone a whole 22.5 hours without a connection. It's worse than the redesign, because I couldn't use anything on the internet at all.

How the fuck did we cope without internets?


crimea rivuh

lolz. the worst is when we got a power cut at ~7pm one sunday evening in december. I had NOTHING to do. We had a candlelit dinner, then I read a bit of my book by candlelight, but the flickering and the fact it wasn't very bright meant that I had a bit of a headache, so I went to bed at fucking 9 O CLOCK.

The power came back on at 3am, along with all the lights, my computer, my stereo, and my xbox.


*makes mental note for next power cut* turn off most appliances at the plug first, so that when some lights come back on to indicate that we have power again, I can find out when I wake up.

What a nice story.

My internet usually is ok, but when it's down it's due the lack of power. Worse than not having conection to the internet is not having power at all. Luckily, the bathrooms in my house are warmed by sunlight. If it was by electricity, we would have to take cold showers.

What is very bad for me is that when it rains here, the risk of having a power cut is higher than in other places, because thunders are more constant here than in any other place in my country.

Do you mean that the bathrooms are warmed by Photo-Volitic cells, which heat water and in turn keep your radiators warm? I'm trying to get those installed by our builders, but my boss doesn't seem to care aboput the state of the planet.

I need a hydro-electric plant, as there is so much water flowing past from the river, that it could be used in such a better way, especially considering the size of the recent rise in levels (5.5m above normal levels)

You're right, here the water is warmed by Photo-Voltaic cells (I had forgoten the name, 2 months without school has its problems). I wanted here also an electricity generator by Photo-Voltaic cells. Here the sun is very strong, so it would be better than using electricity and paying (quite a lot) for it. The problem is: it's very hard to find people that make this kind of job and it's still very expensive. We're saving money for it, I think.

Yeah, the cost is quite high to get one installed, but you will get your money back in 2-3 years of constant usage.

You wouldn't have P-V cells to make electricity, just normal Solar Panels. I'd like a P-V / underfloor heating system, combined with a ground-based heat exchanger and maybe also some normal Solar panels - wind turbines just look out of place.

We coped before the internets by having competitions of "who can smash two rocks together the loudest" and we play games of "rock-jenga" and we stimulate creativity with the good old fashioned "rock puppets". And before that there was the "rock-em sock-em robots".

Too bad the store was out of pet rocks :'(


That, my friend, was a harrowing story... and I'm sure, experience....

I'm sure I could live without the internets, actually. But I wouldn't want to.

Now, imagine say... living without the internets... AND WITHOUT MUSIC. Much worse, right? Yeah... so let's just be thankful for whats we haveth. :::nods:::

If you could call that living. Watching dvds and reading books for entertainment, which rarely contain stats.

It'll be like when I was at school again, coming up with how fast I read books and other stats related to that sort of thing.

I even calculated the high scoring system for people playing football on the playground. I was 3rd at the end of the one year for most goals. Not bad for a goalie :P

I'm just letting you know that I've responded to your comment on my user-page.
Thanks for stopping by!

- HandsomeWarrior.

Thanks, your comments have been commented upon.

Thank you for noticing this notice

I have replied (slightly more aggressively then I meant to!).
Don't be upset, I make some very good points!

Also, this is my cartoon which I made to defeat popularity whores:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/416172">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /416172</a>

It's a shame you weren't available to do the voice acting!

I'll look into that later. I'll leave you a review, I can't say fairer than that, can I?

-1 day of EXP depositing then? that must indeed suck . . . I've lived weeks without internet through the past years though, occasionaly, there is a life outside the box ye know? ;)

No, I've been fortunate, with my lots of access points to the internet. I deposited my experience at about 8am that morning, but by 4pm, the connection had gone down at work. It was also out at home when I was back there, unfortunately. I managed to get my depositing done the day after, thus saving any blips on the Experience chart, although my B/Ping did take a large hit :(

I know there is a life outside of the box... something to do with Girls, I hear :P

Oh noes! 22.5 hours without internet!

The world is fucked.

Yeah, but the internet is now up and running again.

More problems to follow...