You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m

Blammer 25

Posted by Coop - June 3rd, 2010

In the house of the apothecary, he sat on the makeshift bed, trying not to wince as the stitches were pulled tight. Another scratch on the road to glory. What more could be said for progress?

"You're not as young as you once were, my lad. One of these days, it'll get you killed."

"Don't you think that I don't know that? Maybe I'll have done something worthwhile by then and my life will have been used well." Coop ran his fingers through his hair, trying to remain unaware of the sensation of the thread running through his flesh, binding the wound closed.

"At least you'll have another fine scar to show to your... friends."

"You were to say something else there, Doctor?"

"And what if I were, William?" A flash of a name not heard for a long time, suddenly made Coop feel very fragile indeed.

"You win. I suppose you were going to say something like 'children' or 'descendants', but thought better of it." The apothecary tied off the thread in a knot and snapped the cord, bringing one last grunt of discomfort from Coop.

"How does that feel?" Coop stood and flexed his arm, noting that he was unable to get it moving completely

"A little stiff, but as always, serviceable. I can't straighten my arm now, though. When do the stitches come out?"

"Give it a few days and see how things are. If it still weeps, leave it a while longer. If it turns worse, seek help. Don't go overdoing it, either - I know what you're like."

"Thank you for that enduring confidence, Doctor." Coop pulled his undershirt over his head and donned his armour, careful not to damage his newly repaired arm. He thanked his old friend, the apothecary for once again sewing him up, by way of a generous tip. Returning to the tavern, he went back up to his room, leaving a few minutes later, dressed as a common man, with no markings of the Knights Moderator about him.

The town seemed reasonably quiet and as the folk of the town bustled past on their business. He strolled, watching and listening for trouble, as a concerned citizen such as himself should. As his finely tuned senses caught snatches of conversation, he smiled at how most people did not even pay him any mind. Had he been a cat, his ears would have pricked at the mention of the word 'flood', spoken in a hushed whisper, as he walked past an alleyway. Bending down to tie his boot lace, he listened and considered what was heard.

"By the time that anyone realises what is going on, the place will be overrun. No-one will be able to help them!"

"And that is when we..."

"Yes, we strike. Here, get yourself some supplies and spread the word." As the one man turned to walk off, his accomplice hissed after him. "Be selective, this time."

"What, so don't tell people like Gagsy that it's tomorrow?"

"Come here, numb nuts." As they closed together once more, the man in the doorway clapped his hand across the back of his partner's head, irritably. "You know that she is actually friends with some of the Knights. Why would you tell her anything like this?!"

"Who should I tell, then?"

"Twilight, Haxxed, RedSpades, Mr. 1-2. Think outside the box and get out of my sight." As the cowed man scurried away, Coop stood back up and continued on his way.

A few hours later, he returned to his room at the Inn. Sitting at the desk, he took out a quill, some paper and a vial of ink. Considering the conversation, he wrote two notes.


We must be wary - I suspect a large scale attack on the Flash Portal, in order to distract the Knights Moderator and Prince Wade's attention. I will speak to a few contacts and get an increased presence. Please ask those that will be walking the streets at the time to be wary. I will be taking the field. Please advise the princes, as I feel that messages sent normally will not get through.

Your Friend,


Quickly sealing this note and marking it to distinguish it from the second, he grabbed the second piece of parchment.


I hope my letter finds you well - time is of the essence, I am afraid, my friend. I feel that there will be a large scale invasion tomorrow in the realm of the Flash Portal. I shall take the field personally and while I know that we can count upon people like Lady Byteslinger and yourself, I feel that attempts to mobilise more of a force will be greatly appreciated.

Hoping to see you there tomorrow, it is always a pleasure to fight alongside one such as yourself.

Sir Coop"

Having sealed both letters, Coop dressed back in the armour and tabard of the Knights, before stepping out into the street. A young boy was meandering down the street, almost idle.

"You there, boy. I have a job for you."

"Me sir?"

"Yes. Do you know the Castle of the Knights Moderator?"

"Everyone does, sir."

"Good lad. Take this message there with all haste. Sir Zendra stands guard at the gate. Give it to him. Coop produced a gold coin from the pouch at his side and crossed the boy's palm with it, before letting him go in stunned silence. A few minutes later, a second message was winging its way across the country to EagleRock. Almost anxious for something to do, Coop retired to the barracks, to test his arm.

A few hours later, it had become painfully obvious to Coop that his left arm would not cope with the strain of holding a shield for any amount of time on the fields of strife. Tired, but not completely exhausted, he returned to the tavern to dine and sleep. He walked in through the door, to be greeted by the innkeeper, who poured him an ale and took an order for food. As Coop turned around to look at the rest of the tavern, he noticed that there was a shadowy figure in the corner where he favoured sitting. He deposited a few coins on the bar, making sure to tip generously.

"Don't let me go thirsty tonight, Horace."

"Right you are, sir." The barman quietly pocketed the coin and went about his business, as Coop wandered over to his regular table.

"I didn't expect you to show up so quickly. I take it you've passed the news on." The figure smiled as Coop pulled up a chair and sat down. "Or that you'd show up today, for that matter - it is a long ride, after all."

"Well, I felt that I could make the effort today and save some energy for tomorrow, Coop. It's been a while since I stood on the field for any length of time."

"Well, I've been doing it for a while, but I'm sure you'll get back into it, Zendra. It's just like riding a horse - once you learn, you never forget." Both men reached across the table and grabbed one another's forearms just below the elbow in a gesture of solidarity. "It could be difficult tomorrow," Coop lowered his voice and leaned in towards Zendra: "I have a wound that makes swinging difficult." Coop lifted his right arm and patted his ribcage, to which Zendra nodded.

"Don't you worry, here sits another friendly face destined for the field tomorrow. I told Poozy to be on lookout and he got a few more Knights drummed up for shifts. We get the field to take care of business, so that will be fun."

The evening passed with recounting tales of times shared as friends and colleagues, so spirits were high, as the pair approached the fields of the Flash Portal that next morning.

"It seems quite calm at the moment, perhaps nothing will happen." Zendra looked around, seeming quite pleased at this.

"I know you don't really mean that, Zendra. Coop slid his helm over his head and scanned the horizon, looking for the familiar purple flashes of portal activity, signalling new entrants to the field, from beyond the realm.

As they trotted calmly through the field, directing new refugees to their new homes, Coop tested his right arm for flexibility with his scythe. Looking to the horizon, he saw the first waves, as tears started to form in the air, with formless blobs dropping through from the electrified landscape of the other world. Looking to his left at Zendra, Coop raised his hand to his helm, lowered the visor and spurred Dawn Chaser into a gallop.

When the visor came down, the sound of the hoof beats was the only sound, as he winced at the pain shooting through his arm, but pushed it aside, brimming with the confidence that his bad arm was guarded by the presence of Zendra.

The formless blobs twisted themselves into shapes resembling cruel mockeries of well known flash and the first wave was cut down by the two brave Knights, as they rode into battle. Large sweeps from Coop's scythe and Zendra's flail took their toll on the masses, but still more poured through. Other combatants were joining the fray and the melee descended into a bloodbath, with disfigured parts flying all over the place, making the ground run slick with ichor and gore.

Coop and Zendra's charge reached a conclusion and they wheeled around, surveying the damage. A fine run had been cut through the disorganised rabble , but with their strength in numbers, they began to close in. Slowly, they encircled the pair of Knights, snarling and snapping at the horses, while sizing up their formidable opponents.

"Are we ready for some fun, Zendra?"

"Just remember that you owe me for this, Coop."

25,000 Blams




Holy mother of God.

You realise that the guy with the most Blams has over 70,000 of them?

I'm not even in the top 50, though I do plan on rectifying this very soon :)

Very cool. I wish I had 25k blames. =/

Blams, not Blames. You'd have to be very judgemental, if you wanted to blame 25,000 people or circumstances... or a politician.

6 year in the making - once upon a time, the fields were ripe for the picking and Blams flowed at the pace of Saves these days.


A few hours free time and I like writing.

u look intoxicated

Being on hold for almost half an hour to the same dreary tune (The Universal, by Blur) to British Gas over a trivial error can do that to a man. I do get paid for this, but no amount of financial compensation can deal with this.

Sure, 25,000 is nice, but I'm afraid you're not even on my level. I mean, I have six.

You haven't even got as many as Toocool100 - he's got over 100,000 Saves and about ninety Blams

zendra dosent deserve to be an ambassidor becuz he false banned me from reviews

It's okay, I fixed it for you - you can have a true ban for calling people "faggots" and "queers" in your reviews :P

You should write a book about a story/fiction related with newgrounds and put it in stock at the newgrounds store before the lit portal is out :P
Maybe also, adding some of the best stories ever written on the writing contests at the BBS, in the book.

OK, I'll stop dreaming and I'm going to the point of this comment :P

Even if you wrote this 1 month ago, it's never late congratulating somebody that got 25,000 Blams since they're hard to get them these days :/

Congrats, Coop.

Well, I'm on the way to 26,000 Points, but we'll have to see what comes of it. Perhaps one day I'll get it sorted to a first part of Blammer and then get someone on the Art Portal to make me some cover art, before publishing via lulu.com

I suppose it could work...

I didn't insinuate it, I said it but there is sadly a filter.

You insinuated the word by writing it n***a, which is as close as the N-word you can come, without actually writing it.