You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m

Blammer 23

Posted by Coop - October 28th, 2009

Coop sat down by the side of the road, his horse allowed to graze freely for a moment. He removed his helmet and allowed himself a breath of fresh air. This killing would never end, of that he was sure. He pulled an old rag from his pack and wiped some old blood off the once shining helm. A few weeks had passed since some of his friends had been lost to the war. KaynSlamDyke and Dry-Ice were the first to fall to the plague that dulled the senses and slowed reactions. They were now one with the Glorious Dead of the former members of the Knights Moderator.

He considered the reaction that he had heard in the aftermath of those tense days, when hushed voices had called into question the seeming invulnerability of the Prince Wade's chosen men. Some were genuinely grief stricken, while others leaned towards mercenary, deducing that there was now the opportunity for some fresh blooded youngster to make his name. As he worked his way through the layers of grime, slowly reaching a shine that reflected his own chiselled jaw, he wondered how best to honour the memory of those he had fought alongside, who had succumbed while he was left to carry on the fight.

"The times change and some of them grow up, or grow bored. There are always new ones to take their place, I'm afraid. You know that as well as I." Without his head in the helm, the sound was tinny, as if the Prince had his bead in a large metal bucket.

"True. We still fight though, even as the odds are perceived to shift against us." Buffing the helm to a shine, Coop put it down on the rock next to him and picked up his shield, working an arrow loose and starting to file down the puncture wound.

"The fight is long, but we will prevail. People look up to you, as well as the individuals who shun you. Lead by example and restore the shaken faith. You know that you can, as well as your brethren." Dissatisfied with the blemish on the shield, Coop fumbled around in his pack and produced an Angry Faic sticker, which was hastily stuck over the mark.

"Perhaps people do not see you as such a force at the moment. Your sword is still a very good weapon. Show me." Coop put the shield aside and drew his massive zweihander. He held it as if presenting to someone in front of him, when it levitated an inch or so above his hands. "Yes... I think this should do it." An unfamiliar feeling object replaced the zweihander in Coop's hands. As he looked up, he was greeted with a sleek black flail.

"Are you asking me to embrace the dark side, highness?" Coop clutched the flail in his right hand and stood once more.

"No, I just felt that you could use a better weapon. After all, there are a few of the Knights Moderator around with them now, I just thought I'd tidy things up. Now, go and right a few wrongs." Coop stood there for a moment, looking at the flail and smiled. Slowly, he raised the helm back over his head and slid it into place. Securing his shield on his left arm, he clicked his teeth and obediently, his horse trotted over.

In a well practised move, Coop put his left boot in the stirrup and stepped neatly around into the saddle. Looking from the edge of the forest, he saw a fight in progress in the valley. There looked to be more than the usual few people within this one, so he decided to investigate. As the clouds parted, summoning forth a shaft of sunlight, Coop dug his heels into his mare's sides and she reared up onto her hind legs. With Coop standing in the stirrups, his flail held aloft and the reigns in his left hand, he bellowed a challenge to those defiant of him. "Onward Dawn Chaser! Let us ride and show those that there is still a sense of justice in the kingdom of Newgrounds!" Dawn chaser broke into a gallop and the pair of them started to descend the hill path towards the conflict.

Dawn Chaser's hooves kicked up piles of debris and spread them across the dirt track as she descended towards the field. A small field of imps were beginning to crowd around a mutated beast of a creation that lumbered slowly around, attempting to lash out viciously at anyone brave or foolhardy enough to get too close. Being the former, Coop crouched himself low in the saddle and started waving his flail around in a circular motion to his right hand side. "Get me close enough, girl. I'll see what this gift from the prince is capable of." Buoyed by her master's confidence and gumption, she sped towards the beast.

Aware of the threat posed by the fast approaching knight, the beast reared up to its full height in an attempt to spook the horse, but Dawn Chaser was almost as seasoned as Coop in manoeuvres like this. As the creature started to bring down a rock like fist, Dawn Chaser changed direction and moved to the creature's right hand side, allowing Coop to bury the head of the flail in the creature's exposed flank. The blackened head passed into the flesh with a sickening squelch, before being ripped clean from the foe. Angered by this, the beast turned towards Coop and bellowed a challenge, exposing rows of razor sharp teeth, coupled with murderous intent.

Dawn Chaser turned to face the beast and Coop started to swing the flail once more, building up a head of steam. Assessing its chances as slim to none, the creature spotted a young man lying next to a broken pitch fork and slowly lumbered off in that direction. Coop's breathing quickened momentarily, as he worked out what the beast was trying to accomplish. Dawn Chaser began a charge between the peasant and the creature, while Coop stopped swinging his flail and slipped his feet out of the stirrups and moved to a side saddle position. "Take me to the boy!" He yelled, knowing that Dawn Chaser would deliver as she always did.

As the two combatants converged on the injured farmer, Coop dived off his mount, sliding to a stop in front of the prone farm hand, bringing his shield up in front of a clawed hand, where it punched a few small holes. Suddenly, the knight was between the beast and what it appeared to be considering for lunch. Lacking the room to get a full swing in, Coop still managed to bury the head of the flail in his foe once more.

Taking a tight grip on the shield, the creature hauled it to one side, hurling Coop with it. Hardly having time to brace himself, Coop rolled with the force of the throw and got back to his feet, casting aside his battered shield. He could not allow this beast to end the life of someone that he was sworn to protect. He broke into a run and, seeing the opportunity unfold for him, he ran straight up the long, thick tail that the creature appeared to use for balance. Summoning up the last reserves of his strength, he brought the flail down between the creature's head and shoulders, heading a metallic sounding clang, as if the beast was made of metal. As he looked down, towards where the farmer lay, he was very surprised to see that the man knelt in front of the beast, holding the remnants of the pitchfork like a pike.

Coop stumbled as the creature collapsed, causing the knight to land without grace in a heap next to his fallen conquest. He hauled himself to his feet and looked at the kneeling man, who was clutching his ribs, where the beast looked likely to have struck him.

"Young man, you have a good strong arm and a very impressive eye. Are you hurt?" Coop walked over, calling for Dawn Chaser, as he did. When she obediently trotted over, he pulled out a wineskin and a few medical supplies, to treat the civilian.

"Only a little, my lord. Nothing that will not heal though, I'm sure. You have my thanks - I could not have killed it on my own." Coop took off his helmet and started to look over the young man

"I'm happy to be of service. Oh... and I'm no Lord - Sir Coop will suffice."

"Very well, Sir Coop. What brings you to my farm?" The young man was helped to his feet and into a comfortable position atop the saddle. Soon afterwards, Coop returned to his horse's side, complete with his battered shield, now sporting three neat puncture marks and three rather ugly looking scratches down the face. Clearly, it had seen better days.

"Well, passing by and seeing something like that on your farm, I wouldn't like to wager what damage it could have wreaked. I did not even see you until after I had already engaged it."

"I should not have fought it - it was stupid, I could have lost my life for nothing." The young man seemed crestfallen as he declared this. Coop turned to him, shaking his head mournfully.

"It is a calculated risk. As a fighter against things like that, you take your life in your hands, but you do so for the right reasons." He dropped back and pulled out a blank silver brooch, which he handed to the farmer. "Look at this - this is you now. The men watched as it projected an image stating "Civillian - Blams 0; Saves 0." Coop prodded the brooch and the Blams and Saves counters both moved up to 1. "You have done something highly honourable today. Wear the badge with pride." The two men moved in towards the farm house and Coop helped the man down from the horse.

"And what of you, sir knight?" Coop walked back to his saddlebags and removed his cloak from the bag - a very similar looking silver brooch acted as a clasp there and Coop showed it to the farmer. "Supreme Commander - Blams 23,000; Saves 41,976." The farmer nodded impressively "It looks like I've got a way to go to catch you then, sir."

"A little, but I've got a bit of a head start over you." If you want to change your career, or make this more than just a casual defence occupation, head to town and speak to the blacksmiths - they tend to know a lot about it.

"Thank you once again sir. Will you not stop and rest a while?" Coop shook his head and replaced his helm.

"I have a duty to the people and King of Newgrounds. Perhaps I will have time when I retire... If I ever retire, that is." And with that, he mounted and trotted off down the track, unsure of where it would lead.


Getting better. Congrats on 23k. :)

I think this was certainly taken forward when it got to the Castle Crashers fanfic :P



Well gosh... I'm torn between smiling and cringing.

It's something totally different, and because of that I like it...

I don't know what to say, really... I'm a bit at a loss for words, honestly.

There are previous episodes in this saga if you want to trawl through my news posts - you'll find that Episode 22 is slightly more cringe worthy, as it's got Joe in it ;)

Y-Your a Yankees fan?? D:

I don't think we can be friends anymore.

Does that mean you're rooting for either the Sox or, dare I say it, the Phils?


Damn when was the last I was here. I got lots of catching up to do.

Well, have a read and let me know what you think.

Oh, you meant for B/P?


Good story...DAM good story...

Thanks man, there's other ones of mine about - just check earlier news posts

Good job, it's written so well. And it's also a vocabulary goldmine for me ;).

Glad that I could be entertaining and informative at the same time :)

Thanks man :)

Wow..when i see what kind of duches you have to work with sometimes i wonder how you actually put up with it...

(G-rida )

Quite simply - ignorance is bliss :P

Quite a stunning tale of epic proportions. Beautifully written, If I dare say.

That you very much - I'm hoping to get into a position for the next chapter soon :)

Nice story, actually you should check out my friend Nietzlawe's blogs. He writes a lot of interesting tales. Each blog is a personal story he wrote. I think he is trying to get some books published or something...

<a href="http://nietzlawe.newgrounds.com/">http://nietzlawe.newgrounds.com/</a>

I'd bet he'd love a comment from you.

Thanks, I might consider that if I need a story to read at some point.

Why do you keep deleting my comments!? T_T If there is a problem, I promise, I can work it out!!!

Because your comments are largely pointless and off-topic. I don't subscribe to general chit-chat in my news posts

did you write that or something? cuz holy -bleep-, it took me 6 minutes to read that interesting story!

Yeah, I wrote it myself. I will get them all catalogued at some point. It could take a little jugging, as the plot kind of changed to Castle Crashers at some point... perhaps we'll keep the original beginning and go all "Quantum Leap" for the plot.

I'll just have to see about that.

ahhh, this story never bores me..

Well, there should be another chapter at some point in early 2010 - stay tuned