You know, I stopped shaving to think of something to write here. That worked out well.

Will Cooper @Coop

Age 41, Male

Author / NG Mod

Old Skool

Vancouver, CANADA

Joined on 4/28/04

Exp Points:
39,210 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 1m


I love these stories, and it's great to have that bit in at the end about the NGPD/Lizzardis. Well done on the milestone.

Thanks, I'm slowly making progress - perhaps with 25k being a massive milestone I'll really pull out all the stops and go for something special ;)

Already 12 new blams since then, you've got a great rate going up there - no wonder you're always amongst the top two or three gainers of the EGB. Anyways, I'm seriously looking forward to 25. I'll probably see it linked in with your post in the LUL, although would you mind sending me a PM in case I miss it? It doesn't really matter if you forget, but I really am looking forward to it and want to read it as soon as it's out.


Well, I think around 3 months will be the timescale at this rate ;)

Sure, if I remember, I'll let you know.

Some "writers" on this site utterly fail at Newgrounds fanfics but you on the other hand, you know your shit very well and know how to write a good NG-related story. All these stories of yours reminds me of Alkador's back when I was only new to Wi/Ht. :)

Nice - I think that this particular piece has taken some sort of Castle Crashers fanfic style, which makes it really difficult to write previous entries, since at least one of them was a modern warfare style thing.

Cool story, bro. #;-}> But... from the title, I thought the point of it was that you'd hit #24 in blams, and since I happened to notice I was still #23 (for like months and months and months now) in blams, I was all "holy shit, Coop's right behind me all of a sudden? When did that happen?"

Anyway, clearly I misunderstood! Congrats on the 24k blams, welcome to my save semi-retirement mark. A good, good number indeed, but no 36k. I have no doubt you'll pass 36k blams in the not-so-distant future, however. So... all is well.

Not so distant future? I'm years away from reaching 36k Blams :P

Not that it's going to stop me trying, no-siree-bob!

You i have no negative statment to you are not a suck ass mod.

I have a negative statement for you - you are awful at grammar.

Just... no.

Not so distant in a relative sense of the terms. #;-}>

Dude, don't be dismayed by that ninjanewb's horrible grammar... I think it's a secret code we're meant to interpret... it's... it's... yes, it's clearly from the future. The words are time-shifted, and the letters are... oh my gaw--[hzzzzzzt]

{message ends}

It's from the Doc! He's still alive! He's in the old west, but he's still alive!

What's an e-penis?


It's where you type a number eight, followed by a sequence of equals signs, finally followed by a capital d.

Try it and risk getting banned from this userpage (among other places)


Run for it, Marty! asjdbwerh!

I commented on your newspost. Now you have to comment on mine :)

This isn't a game of tag, you know.

I commented anyway, because I like your banner.

Wade won't change my username PLEASE ADVISE also cocks

Send a PM to Tom and give a damned good excuse.



or did I?

Very good, you've learned to expand upon the comments by adding more.

Still less blams than me? wow

I'll get there - I've got designs on the top 50 first. Blams being as hard to come by as they are, I'm still moving along at a half decent pace, so we'll see if I can tough it out and eventually pass you.

After all, would it be against my own stat-whorish creed to say that I can't get less than another 10,000 Blams and pass you? Yes, it would.

Numbers... nomomnom

Indeed, that is what we stat whores feed on. Numbers, percentages, fractions and decimal places.


My interest about numbers skyrockets everytime they're followed this sign : $.


Coop's Flash Reviews - 1,611
Coop's Flash Responses - 973
Only 27 more to go!

leaving a comment is difficult for me
I want to acknowledge that I read your story, but
i have no idea what the hell you're talking about

Well, this one is a Castle Crashers style tale, based around the events leading up to me getting 24,000 Blams on Newgrounds. It's kind of changed over the years, since when I started blamming, Castle Crashers hadn't been thought up by Tom & the Gang, so I'm going to give it a shot at getting the prequels sorted ;)

Fucking manly new level, coop. Congrats.

You mean to say that a katana / wakisashi combination wasn't very manly?


Not as manly as Manowar. :P

Yes, but Manowar would not be seen dead with any aura other than Fab.

By your own admission, there is no bad aura for this level icon... except Fab :P

So, you want your dick sucked now or what?

Take a number

hey i never knew you were a mod!

pretty nice bro

also im almost done writing those lyrics if your still interested in collabing!

Sure, I'm still up for it - another string to my bow, just let me know when you're done and I'll give it a shot :)